Boost conversion rate and
conversion value with
automated meal donation.

Create a fulfilling shopping experience. Allow your customers to
donate additional meals
on their own behalf.

MealMachine™ is automated e-commerce cause marketing software that enables online merchants to easily donate meals. Online sellers simply select the number of meals that they want to donate, and when they want to donate the meals—either per order or per item purchased. Merchants can also choose to let their customers donate additional meals on their own behalf.
MealMachine™ software makes it easy for online sellers to boost their corporate social responsibility and create a fulfilling shopping experience for their customers. Merchants simply install the MealMachine™ Shopify App or API and add our widgets to their online storefront.
To accomplish our mission, we maintain a partnership with
Rise Against Hunger, an international humanitarian organization. Rise Against Hunger provides immediate nourishment for those facing hunger today and implements sustainable solutions that will lift entire communities for years to come. Rise Against Hunger has facilitated volunteer meal packaging of more than 600 million meals to be distributed to countries around the world.
boost your corporate social responsibility
create a fulfilling shopping experience for your customers
increase conversion rate + conversion value
most importantly — help alleviate global hunger
How do you donate meals?MealMachine is able to donate meals through our partnership with Rise Against Hunger, an international hunger relief agency.
How do I verify that meals are being donated?We value transparency. You can view our monthly meal donation certificates via our Meal Donation Log Book.
How much does the app cost?The MealMachine Shopify app is totally free to install and there are no monthly or annual fees. You will simply be charged for donated meals based on the rules you set within the app's settings.
How do I pay for the donated meals?You will be automatically billed through the Shopify API. For additional meals donated by customers (if you enable this feature), the customer will pay the cost of $0.50 (50 cents) per meal. Additional meals will be added as products to customers' carts.
What is the cost breakdown?At MealMachine, we value transparency for merchants using our software and their respective customers. MealMachine currently charges merchants $0.50 per meal donated. Each meal costs our partner Rise Against Hunger approximately $0.38 to pack, store, and distribute. MealMachine distributes $0.38 of every $0.50 charged per meal to our partner Rise Against Hunger. MealMachine currently distributes 76% of funds to our partner while retaining 24% as margin. Our retained margin allows us to pay for ongoing software development and operational costs. Any credit card fees will be subtracted from MealMachine's 24% retained margin. Maintaining a margin also allows us to provide a relatively stable pricing structure over time to our merchants in light of ongoing and unpredictable inflation and food costs. There are no monthly fees or other costs for Merchants who use the MealMachine App. EXAMPLE: If your business donates 20 meals: Total cost: $10 Total distributed to Rise Against Hunger: $7.60 Total retained by MealMachine: $2.40
Can I change the look and feel of the App widget?Yes, you can change the color of the text as well as the background color of the MealMachine widgets within your Online Store.

Meals donated by MealMachine are packed, stored, and distributed internationally by Rise Against Hunger to those in need.
Rise Against Hunger, an international humanitarian organization, is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. Rise Against Hunger has facilitated volunteer meal packaging of more than 600 million meals to be distributed to countries around the world.